November 24, 2010

Birthday Weekend in Boone! SIXTEEN!

When I was asked by my mom what I wanted to do for my birthday I automatically thought to add my two favorite things together... my best friends and BOONE! We stayed in my aunt's cabin, went shopping on King Street, and went on a hike with the most gorgeous view! There were so many moments in this trip when I thought to myself how fortunate I am to have such amazing people surrounding me.

Wandering around King Street right before we went to Capones and Custard Depo!

Put up those peace signs girls!

After this trip I was thinking about my best friends:
-Katie: I can tell anything to this girl
-Kenzie: Adored by my whole family and me
-Alexa: Gorgeous and up for anything
-Adair: An amazing athlete and an amazing friend
-Marge: Makes me laugh even in a crappy situation
-Hannah: Always disgustingly hilarious
-Bridget: Is always there to laugh along with

November 9, 2010

Sexiest Man Alive

After watching Van Wilder this weekend with my sister I realized how incredibly sexy Ryan Reynolds is. With that new found love of mine I decided to go to trusty google and look at gorgeous pictures of him. Of course GQ having the most amazing photo shoots has one with Ryan! I had to share his beauty with everyone else...

Inspired by these pictures I decided to make a list of things that I love most that guys wear:
1. Skinny Black Ties
2. Colored Polo Pants
3. Cardigans
4. Vests
5. Classic White Boxer Briefs

October 25, 2010

It's Game Time in Boone

It was finally time for me to return to Boone and enjoy a weekend with my sister. I got to see my favorite people: Taylor, Wesley, Paige, Katie, Ajay, and many others! It was a day filled with some unsuccessful hiking, walking around campus, hot chocolate, and a thrilling game! Now that I think about it the game wasn't too thrilling because the Mountaineers kicked some ass!

Being shown around campus by my amazing sister! I am convinced, in 3 years I will be a Mountaineer

When Katie saw her love, Armanti Edwards! I had to put this picture on my blog because this is the most adorable face

Taylor and me at the game when we arrived 1 1/2 hours early. Our seats were totally worth it, that's right we were on the 50!

That same night it was time for us to pack up and leave. I was borderline depressed, but I am sure we will be back REALLY soon! *Maybe Halloween*

October 13, 2010

Downtown Charlotte

Paige, Bridget, and I went downtown to take some artsy pictures and then we went out to dinner. It turns out that I brought my mom's camera which had an extra gigantic zoom on it, so the picture I took weren't so great, but don't worry there will be a round two soon! Next time we go P-Duf will have her license, CONGRATS Paige!

We walked around a little bit before and after dinner just soaking in the beautiful skyscrapers and I must say there are some interesting characters in Downtown Charlotte!

At Rock Bottom I ordered the most delicious sandwich and it was a good choice. It's their California Chicken Sandwich that has grilled chicken, mayo, tomato, parmesan cheese, and avacado. I was on a diet, but their food is just way too good to resist it!

At dinner we had to pose for a few pics. Those are the menus that we stared at for 20 minutes trying to decide between a hundred different entrees! I was sensing that our waiter was getting a tad annoyed by our indecisiveness!

October 3, 2010

Providence High School Homecoming

It was spirit week at PHS leading up to our Homecoming game!
Although we ended up not winning it was still loads of fun getting pumped and wearing cute outfits!

For the first time we had a neon theme for the game and it was actually successful. Everyone went all out and our student section at the game looked amazing with all of the colors!

At the Pep Rally getting all hyped up!

My best friend Katie and me "watching" the game

The group of girls who went together. Put yo hands up!